Viernes, 26 Mayo 2017 15:23

FOTOS: Alexa Dellanos presumió diminuta lencería en redes sociales

Por  Staff Puebla On Line

El Gráfico dio a conocer que Alexa, hija de la periodista estadunidense de 51 años Myrka Dellanos, volvió a acaparar la atención en las redes sociales tras lucir diminuta y reveladora lencería.

En su cuenta de Instagram, la mujer publicó tres imágenes en blanco y negro en las que aparece en paños menores, que resaltaron sus conocidas curvas.

En una de las instantáneas, dejó ver por completo la tanga que portaba lo que generó decenas de comentarios que referían a su belleza y sensualidad.

En dicha fotografía, también dejó un mensaje para todos, en el que afirmó sentirse orgullosa de su madre, y que “me apasiona tanto los derechos de las mujeres y la igualdad”.

“Nunca limites a la mujer, porque lo más probable es que ella te sorprenda. Nunca subestimes el poder de una mujer”, finalizó.


A girl should be two things: what she wants and who she wants. As a feminist, my biggest fight is not against men, but against people who have told me what kind of woman I am supposed to be. I grew up as an only child to a hard-working single mother, who was criticized for not being a stay-at-home mom like most of the mothers at my private school. It was women who gossiped about my mother and what kind of mom they believed she should be. What people don't know is that my mother's incredible work ethic has been by far my biggest inspiration to never give up on my dreams. My mom has been an exceptional parent, as well as a forever best friend. She never failed to show me love and unconditional support. It is because of her and the way she has raised me that I am so passionate about women's rights and equality. Appreciate the women around you for all they do, but mostly, accept them for who they are. Empower them always; thank them for the gift of life and remember that you wouldn't be here if it weren't for one woman. Never limit a woman to what she can't do, because chances are, she'll surprise you every time. Never underestimate the power of a woman.

Una publicación compartida de Alexa Dellanos (@alexadellanos) el 24 de May de 2017 a la(s) 12:29 PDT


The problem in our society is that we are constantly being told what to do and how to think. What ever happened to freedom of speech or freedom of MENTALITY? What is so wrong about somebody being THEMSELVES if they are not hurting anybody else? I have to ask because I see so many self-proclaimed "open-minded" humans judging those who embrace their individuality. Food for thought - HAPPY people don't judge others. It's simple, they don't have the time or the energy to point fingers at someone's personal life choices. In fact, they accept people for who they are and respect whatever they choose to do with their life and their bodies. Maybe if we all came together for something good, we wouldn't feel so compelled to worry about what the person next to us is doing.

Una publicación compartida de Alexa Dellanos (@alexadellanos) el 24 de May de 2017 a la(s) 12:05 PDT
